Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tobacco Stores Banned to Sell Cigs

Four London variety stores and a Strathroy retailer are barred from selling tobacco for six months after they were convicted for the second time of selling tobacco products to minors. The London stores under prohibition are OK Variety on Hale St., Beckworth Mini Mart on Beckworth Ave., Hasty Market on Belmont Dr. and Dundas Convenience on Dundas St. McRobert Fuels Ltd. on Egremont Dr. in Strathroy also is prohibited from selling any form of tobacco for six months. "The restrictions that are in place to prevent youth from having access to tobacco are important components of the Smoke-Free Ontario Act and the penalties for not complying can be severe," said Wally Adams, director of environmental health and chronic disease prevention at the Middlesex-London Health Unit. "Restricting youth access to tobacco is an important strategy to reduce youth experimentation and uptake of tobacco use." The health unit holds regular inspections of stores that sell tobacco in London and Middlesex County. Charges are laid against stores selling tobacco products to anyone under the age of 19. After two or more convictions within a five-year period, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care issues an automatic prohibition order. The operator also must post signs in the store notifying the public of the prohibition. Adams said the health unit hires teens to try to buy smokes in stores and occasionally stakes out high-risk locations.

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